Thank you to Father Jack Sewell for giving my mom the Sacrament of the Sick in her room at Saddleback Memorial, and for praying with us, and to Father Ramos, Monsignor Gibson, Julia, Uncle Bill, Jeff, Gretchen and Matt for a beautiful service. Thanks to all who honored our mother, grandmother and sister with your presence at her Memorial Mass and Reception.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From Barbara and Larry Pintar. . .

~Paternal grandparents of Sue's grandchildren Alan and Valerie Pintar~

Sue will be greatly missed by family and friends. I'm thinking back to the days when our grandchildren were younger, and we all lived close by. What fun it was to get together! Alan's and Valerie's home baptisms and celebrations were happy times indeed. Then there was the Christmas time, when Great-grandpa and Peggy ( She's 101 now.) were also present. Always great food and wonderful conversation. Especially memorable was the Christmas that Sue made an entire suitcase full of outfits for Valerie's doll--little dresses, coats, hats, shoes--everything that a little girl could want for her doll. The extremely intricate stitches, each made with such care surely reflected Sue's love.

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