Thank you to Father Jack Sewell for giving my mom the Sacrament of the Sick in her room at Saddleback Memorial, and for praying with us, and to Father Ramos, Monsignor Gibson, Julia, Uncle Bill, Jeff, Gretchen and Matt for a beautiful service. Thanks to all who honored our mother, grandmother and sister with your presence at her Memorial Mass and Reception.

Monday, July 19, 2010

From Auntie Mar. . .

I remember telling Sue on her 73rd BD how thrilled Jerry 9, and I, 10 were when our parents told us they were expecting. There was no way of finding out the sex then so we were thrilled to have a baby sister and born on the same day as the Dione Quintuplets in Canada. Grandma enjoyed telling her friends she could have brought a little fame to Glendale if she had had five!


Auntie Mar.

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Eternal Life
in the Fellowship of the Spirit